Hamster Starter Kits!

Hi Hamster Friends!

This has been a dream of mine for a while now- to create a “kit” of curated items to help limit down the overwhelm of a new hamster owner (or one just looking to do some upgrades).

I bought so many things I didn’t need, that didn’t work, that weren’t right for hamsters, as I struggled to figure out what hamster items were safe and appropriate.

SO! I finally did it. I did the work for you! Of course this isn’t the end all of what you need or would want for a great hamster enclosure- I like to think that one never fully achieves completion and is always striving for improvements- but I think it’s a pretty good start!

Click on each photo to be taken to a curated collection of items! :

everything you need to create a natural enclosure-01.jpg

Photo by Kong Jun on Unsplash


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