(so you think you have)

Tropical Rat mites

 Hello. Welcome. If you’re here, it’s likely because you think you have the dreaded, Tropical Rat Mites (EEK!).

First of all, I’m sorry. It’s a pain and I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy (but also, I have no hamster enemies!).

Know that you’re not alone. I too have had tropical rat mites (in the summer of 2023). And I’m here to tell you it’s going to be okay. You will get through this!

If you’re over 21, I invite you to pour yourself a glass of wine, relax for a moment on the couch, and I’ll take you through what I did to get rid of Tropical Rat Mites (and hopefully this will work for you too).

I’d also like to invite you to reach out to me. Let me know how it’s going. Ask me questions. I’m always around at rachelgothamsters at gmail.com :)

part one - do you have tropical rat mites?

part two - make a vet appointment

part three - transfer hams to temporary set-ups in plastic bins

part four - take apart enclosures & disinfect

part five - clean the environment

part six - treat hamsters

part seven - move hamsters back into their enclosures