Picking Up Shirley

Our bond and understanding of Shirley has grown so much!

She has even started this funny thing where she licks our hands (anyone else experience this? It is beyond cute!).

We normally pick up all of our hamsters using a cup first. Even if they are okay with hands, sometimes having a hand pick you up is just too scary for our hamsters.

But Shirley lately has started just totally giving in to being picked up, it's almost comical the way she just relaxes her body and waits to be scooped up. What a funny girl!

I know understand how much personality hamsters have! Laverne, Shirley's sister & identical twin, is very active and spunky but is not a fan of hands scooping her up.

Both girls are territorial, Shirley is usually only territorial in the area where she sleeps. Laverne is definitely more territorial and generally more likely to bite or swat, she does do better once she’s outside of her enclosure.


Hamster Starter Kits!


Shirley Gets a New Bin Cage (and the Prevue 9.5” Quiet Wheel!)