the Hamster Playpen of the Future
Little Peggy looking towards a bright future ✨
The new year has arrived and it was time to take down the hamster Christmas tree!
…But what to put in its place…?
I recently read an article, I think on Vox (of course now I can’t find it!), about the use of the term, “season”. If I’m in a season, I’m in a season of iridescence! Or maybe I’ve been in that season my whole life and am finally embracing it…. either way, I’m a sucker for something shiny, sparkly, clear & colorful. And what better time to celebrate cool tones and sparkly whites than the coldest, most dreary part of winter?!
I gathered all my sparkly & pretty things, including an antique asparagus dish I thought would make a gorgeous hemp foraging area!
I also splurged on a few items to make the playpen a little more exciting- like the iridescent, Bucatstate Hamster Wheel, some iridescent lights, an iridescent hide and a little icy-looking mountain hide.
The Bucatstate wheel was a little less colorful than I thought it would be, but I still appreciate the excuse to buy it- I’ve be wanting an excuse to!
I also decided that a new year should include some fresh greenery, so I grew some chia seed sprouts. If you remember, Maurice & Thor were not very interested in them last time I grew these… but with the new additions to the hamster tribe, I figured it was worth another shot.
For this playpen setup I used a slightly more fluffy blanket than the usual fleece - it gives a nice, snowy effect without getting caught on hamster nails. I use the blankets in my playpen to keep my hamsters from chewing on the nylon the playpen is made of - they can quickly chew a hole and escape! But use fleece or any fabric liner with caution- some hamsters can chew and ingest it. I am always there with my hamsters while they are in the playpen, and rarely if ever do they show interest in chewing on the blanket.
For lighting I use these simple, white twinkle lights from Target, clipped onto the edges with some binder clips. I like the soft glow they give, and allow me to keep the overhead lights off.
I also purchased some “disco ball” lights, which are a little too blue in color when on, but do add some nice reflections!
Do you have any fun themes in your playpen this January? Please share!
Dexter digs in the antique asparagus dish with hemp and foraging items.
Wee Peggy enjoys a snack break
Gotta earn all those extra sunflower seeds…
Dexter demonstrates how to run with style on the Bucatstate Acrylic Iridescent Wheel (10.2”)
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