Shirley 💕

Shirley has come so far. When she first arrived here we hardly even saw her. I actually had several days where I wondered- is she okay? Should I make sure she’s still breathing?

Shirley is still shy, but lately she’s been coming out more. Particularly in the mornings (she’s probably caught on to the fact that humans bring her food). I find myself frequently drinking coffee while I feed her some millet and a softly pet her fluffy, little bod.

I’m learning so much about hamster personalities and temperament. Shirley and Laverne look so alike we might mix them up if it weren’t for their wildly different personalities and body language.

I’m not sure what their life was like before they were surrendered to the rescue and then came to live with us. But I hope they are enjoying their lives, I’m certainly enjoying getting to know them :).


Working Remotely


Shirley is Just the Sweetest