Shirley is Just the Sweetest

I’m obsessed with Shirley. She’s like the perfect hamster. She’s so sweet and gentle, she seems to enjoy a good back rub and just is the fluffiest little ball. She is a foster ham, which means a nice person might get to enjoy all that she has to offer! But if she has to stay with me forever… well, fine :).

I got these little woven baskets from Target a few weeks ago. They are so handy for hamster wrangling and general interaction. it’s a nice place to put a hamster and interact with them without the worry of hard edges.

Shirley is eating Higgin’s Sunburst seed blend.

Products featured in this blog post (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Higgin’s Sunburst:

Cotton Woven Baskets  like this: or this:


Shirley 💕


Sofia Gets a Niteangel Multi-Chamber Hide!