Laverne Gets a Nail Trim

Little Laverne had to go to the vet this week - her nails got too long! This is a quick video of that trip. Unfortunately I couldn’t go inside the vet and see how they trimmed her nails, but I hope that post-COVID I’ll get to see what happens behind the curtain.

Laverne took a few days to get back to normal and want to interact with us again, but she did eventually forgive us for the vet visit.

I recently purchased one of these small animal carriers : Living World Small Animal Carrier (link to Chewy) for visits like this. I also have small Kaytee cages I have used for vet visits in the past, but they are more difficult to clean and carry to my car. The Living World small carrier is a lot easier to handle for a quick trip- definitely worth having one or two around.


Shirley the Sweetest


Laverne & Shirley 💕