Sofia in the Digging Play Bin

I created a “digging bin” for Steven & Sofia a few months ago, and it continues to be a great place to provide some out of cage enrichment without worry about losing them in a small crevice.

Both Steven and Sofia are fairly nervous little creatures (Sofia’s curiosity can overcome her nervousness though), so having a consistent space they come to I believe has helped it feel safe to them. I do try to update it slightly with new items for variety, but since they only spend about 10 minutes at a time in the bin, I’m not too worried about it being boring to them.

Sofia in particularly loves to hunt for seeds, so this bin works perfectly. I just sprinkle a few throughout the bin and she does to town digging all over! It is really quite adorable to watch.

Hope you enjoy!


Steven’s 200 qt Bin Cage Tour


Shirley in Her Play Bin