New Releases from Bucatstate!

Bucatstate Pet, a new-ish small pet brand (est 2019) just released some new hamster products and I am excited!

What’s even more exciting is that everything new is currently on sale! It’s a great time to get some exciting, new hamster accessories!

Like all hamster products, please do your research before purchasing. With anything I feature below, I will tell you what type of hamster I think it is most appropriate for (robo, dwarf, Chinese, Syrian) and what are the pros & cons that I can see. Not all products sold for hamsters are safe or appropriate for hamsters… but I’ll try to steer you in the right direction by giving you my honest opinion based on three years, six hamsters, lots of time spent on hamster forums and way too much time watching my hamster cams at night :D!

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Bucatstate Ceramic Mushroom Hideout

I have a soft spot for mushroom hides. I’m not sure if it’s because I like to imagine my hamsters are like tiny, fairies, living in soft, round, fluffy, opinionated bodies, but they just look too cute when sticking their little curious faces out of a mushroom.

But, enough of the fluffy stuff, this hide is actually USEFUL! Particularly if you live in a warm climate and have a Syrian hamster, because it’s a ceramic hide that is actually large enough for a Syrian (AND has a removable lid, juuust in case your hamster gets stuck. Which they shouldn’t in this hide. But it’s always good to have a removable lid)!

The opening to the mushroom is about 2 3/4” in diameter, about the minimum I would recommend for a Syrian. Of course, always use your best judgement, if you have a particularly large Syrian or they like to fill their cheeks to excess, you don’t want their cheeks being damaged while they go through that hole. All that being said, 2 3/4” is the same diameter that Niteangel uses on the openings of their size L multichamber hides, so if your hamster is using that multichamber, this should also work well for them.

Ceramic hides are great to use during the summer- hamsters can come here to pancake and cool off. They are also really easy to clean or disinfect. I highly recommend this hide if you don’t already have a good ceramic hide option for your ham!


Bucatstate Stackable Metal Hamster Cage

I am SO excited about this cage! How gorgeous! How Handy!

This is a great cage for someone who wants to have more than one hamster in a limited space- these cages are stackable (without sacrificing airflow) and beautiful looking!

The cages aren’t huge, just 776 sq inches (a bit smaller than the 200 qt bin) but they are also almost 21” high, which allows plenty of burrowing space & the ability to put in a large wheel.

I’ve been wanting to get back into fostering hamsters, but I have limited space (in the past I had hamsters everywhere! Next to my bed, on my dresser, in my hallway, on my dining room table…). These stackable cages will be a great way to allow myself to take in some hams needing a home but still have a sooomewhat normal living space (I mean, lets be real, I’m surrounded by hamster things all day long, and that’s exactly how I like it!).

I still prefer the Niteangel Vista size L (link to Amazon: ) as my favorite, “off the rack” hamster cage (meaning, other than assembly, it requires no other DIY). The Niteangel Vista size L is the largest option currently available in the US and I adore it. But, depending on your budget & space, this stackable enclosure might be juuuust what you needed!


Bucatstate 12.5” Acrylic Silent Hamster Wheel

Calling all Syrians! Your wheel has arrived! I’m SO excited to see that both Bucatstate & Niteangel now offer “XL” size wheels in the 12”+ category. Many Syrian hamsters will do fine on a 12” wheel … but if given the choice, I’d always give my hamster a slightly larger wheel.

Bucatstate’s 12.5” wheel is currently only available in clear acrylic, but I believe there are plans for it to come in a number of verry appealing colors (including iridescent!? EEK, be still, my hamster heart).


Bucatstate Ceramic Cooling Castle Hide

Another, super “cool”, product! First, I love the naturalistic, terracotta-looking castle design. I mean. SO cute.

But more importantly, this hide actually has spots for you to insert cooling packs from your freezer if it’s a hot day and your AC is out. How neat is that?!

I remember one summer in LA with my five hamsters during a heatwave. We were supposed to not run our AC at full blast of course, to try to minimize electricity usage, but even if we did, honestly, the heat was just too strong! I felt like I was being baked like a cookie if I went outside.

I took ice packs from the freezer and placed them up against their bins on one side, so if they needed to cool down, they could go lay near them. It actually turned out that everyone was fine, but I worried like crazy and it was a stressful day. This is the hide I needed that day!


Bucatstate Hamster Ladder

Okay, so technically this isn’t a new product, but I do love it, and I only saw it just now.

One thing that I’ve become increasingly aware of is how dangerous bendy bridges can be. If there is any gap in the bridge at all, it’s an opportunity for a tiny toe to get stuck in it. I’ve been very picky about what bendy bridges I use as a result, and am increasingly a fan of these static type bridges- they provide the needed walkway without the risk!

Also, so cute!


Want to see more??

Of course, I can just barely scratch the surface here. Bucatstate has so many adorbs products!

For more about Bucatstate Pet, you can check out their website, or see their LinkTree for direct links to Amazon per country!

Do you have any Bucatstate products? What do you think of them?


Rescue Hamster of the Day!


Picking a Wheel for my New Hamster!