My Little Hungry Hippo 🦛

I love my little Sofia. But as she has gained confidence with us, she’s become a bit of a “biting Betty.” It doesn’t appear to be aggressive, it seems more like she is just SO excited to see us and leads with her mouth, 👄 hoping food will find its way in.

I’m hoping that this is just a phase, she has grown so much and I believe we could have a really sweet and affectionate ham on our hands, we just have to get her used to the idea that we aren’t also food.

For now we have begun wearing gloves when interacting with her, letting her crawl in our gloved hand and get used to being comfortable with that.

So far the leather gloves have proved appealing to nibble on, but at least it’s not our fingers!

Oddly enough Steven appears to be less afraid of a gloved hand than a naked hand, so it’s been fun letting him crawl over the leather gloves too!


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