Laverne Gets a Cage Clean

Laverne was due for a bit of cage sprucing. I had been feeling like her cage was fairly uninspired for a while now… I threw it together quickly when I was asked to take in these dwarf hamster sisters (Laverne and Shirley) about a month ago. I had resisted the urge to clean up and rearrange her cage for a while now because I wanted to make sure she felt really comfortable in her surroundings before I touched much in her cage.

But Laverne has been doing really well these past few weeks and I felt she was ready. I knew she needed a bigger and better sand bath space, and a more functional way to run on her wheel. Plus her wheel needed cleaning (which I do frequently regardless, but still).

Her cage isn’t particularly “designed,” since she is a foster ham- my focus here is to just give her a space that feels comfortable, safe and interesting for her.

Also, a note about the pink colored, paper bedding- I was given this bedding, but after using it, I would suggest sticking to white bedding. The pink colored bedding is difficult to discern what is clean and what is soiled. I’m using this bedding until it’s gone and then never again!


Goodbye 2020 👋


Why I Love Whimzees!