Happy World Hamster Day!

Happy World Hamster Day to all my hamster friends out there!

Today is the day I spend a few moments to remember how grateful I am to have been introduced to this world.

For a long time, I lived a city life in small spaces and felt that I couldn’t have a pet. How could I keep a dog in my apartment while I’m gone at work all day? I’m allergic to cats. Birds also need a lot of attention. I guess… fish?

One day, a colleague of mine brought in her Syrian hamster (at the time, I really knew nothing about the different types of hamsters, but I now know this). She had him in this little Tupperware container and walked around the office asking if anyone wanted to hold him.

I was surprised- I thought hamsters were mean. I didn’t hold him but I watch her tenderly pick him up and how he sweetly sat in her hands. It left me with an idea.

I was already planning to leave New York and head to California at the end of the year. I promised myself that in my new, Californian life, I would get a hamster.

And, so it was! The hamster in question (STEVEN!) didn’t come to live with me until about six months into living in California. It was mid-COVID (July 2020) and I had delayed getting a hamster because of my fear that I might lose my job or need to move or a million other things. At the time life felt so unpredictable. I suppose it still does… but maybe I’ve just gotten better at dealing with it.

One day, I went to PetCo, I saw Steven, and I knew it was him. I didn’t know about “proper” hamster care. I didn’t know that I should support small animal rescues & shelters by adopting, not shopping. But I knew I could commit to giving this one little life the best life possible. And that’s what I set out to do.

Did I do everything perfectly? Of course not! But Steven was patient and kind. I couldn’t have asked for a better, first, hamster. I’m sure there were times I did things that made him uncomfortable, scared or annoyed. But he always treated me with a shy kindness and curiosity. Steven has been gone for about six months, but I still think of him frequently. The way he used to look up at me. The trust we built together. The sweet little naps he took in his wheel.

I worried that getting a hamster might distract me from career goals. From getting my chores done. From being a good friend or significant other. But what’s funny is, I think he helped me do all those things better. I felt newly energized when I woke up each morning - I couldn’t wait to drink my coffee and see what new burrows he created while I slept. I turned off the lights in the bedroom a little earlier bc I knew he would come out and start running… and oh, how I loved falling asleep to the sound of his busy little feet.

I felt, for the first time, like my life was more important than just my own. I now had Steven to care for, Steven to go to work for, Steven to make up silly stories and songs about.

As COVID dragged on I found myself taking in some homeless hamsters from local small animal rescues and one from the LA county shelter. It amazed me how different they all were. How each challenged me to get to know them in different ways. Even now I can’t think about it too long or I’ll tear up thinking about Laverne’s excited pacing as she waited for someone to come scoop her up. Or Shirley’s little “peeps” and kisses. Or Oscars angry stares (hah!).

So on this World Hamster Day, I say “Thank You” to all my hamsters of past, present and future. Thank you for the love, the learning, the patience and moments in time we shared together.

Sharing a few, recent pics of my current little bud, Maurice :)


an Unexpected Addition


Rescue Hamster of the Day!