Hamster First Aid Kit

I, thankfully, have had no hamster accidents or issues so far. BUT, it doesn’t mean that I should be prepared for something to happen to my little friends, and I think it’s important to be ready.

I do already have an exotic vet I know and like. I have taken my hamsters there a few times to get their nails trimmed and Steven has also had a health check there. I’m glad to know their hours and have a relationship with them should I need them. I am also glad to have a full time job and know that, while I’m not made of money, I’m able to cover any medical needs my hamsters may have in their life time to ensure they live a comfortable life with as little pain as possible. To me, this is part of owning a hamster, is also taking responsibility for their wellbeing.

If, for some reason, I was no longer employed, I would find a way to pay for vet care if needed, or I would surrender my hamsters to a rescue if I’m not able to provide them with this care.

All these things being said, it’s also good to be prepared at home! I just found this video from Taxonomist. I wish she still had her other videos up on YT, I see her very thorough advice on Hamster Hideout Forum, it’s too bad this is one of the few videos of hers I could find (and that’s because it’s on Hopping Hammy’s channel).

Hope this is helpful to you! I will add these things to my list of things needed as a new hamster owner.


Lavernes 200 qt bin cage


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