Goodnight, Sweet Steven

I’m sorry to share that I lost my sweet, little Steven.

I actually lost Steven on Sept 29, 2022, but have found it hard to post about it- as if posting about it makes it really real :/

Steven was my first hamster (as an adult, I did have one in the 90s when I was 10/11 yrs old). He managed to outlive all of my other hamsters who were his contemporaries, and, even in his older age, maintained his curious, earnest energy and commitment to find every flax seed.

Steven most likely was struggling with Lymphoma at the end (as diagnosed by my vet). He was itchy and had little lumps on his body, but was otherwise energetic and had a good appetite. Near the end, he became much calmer and happy to enjoy long massages with his little eyes closed. It was so sweet to touch his little nose and all around his tiny, flower-like ears.

I'm going to miss Steven so much. But I'm so thankful to have had him in my life; so thankful that he opened up a door for me into this lovely internet world of hamsters I've found. A world of sweet, compassionate people, and sassy, curious, tiny little furry faces.

Of course I have a million more videos of Steven to share, which I will. Thanks to all of you for joining me on this #hamstercarejourney so far! I started this channel to document my learning how to care for Steven (particularly in a time when I felt so little was out there about Roborovski hamsters). I feel really happy with the growth I've found and intend on continuing it.

I still have Oscar the Robo to keep my company, and I'm in the slow process of upgrading his cage. I'm debating getting a second hamster, as I do think I like having a dwarf hamster around is a fun addition to a robo. But I might wait a bit, spend a little more time focusing on Oscar and trying to lure him out of his Oscar-shell. Whatever I do, I'll be sure to let you all know :)


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