Cozy little digging area
The Christmas hamster play area has been quite the hit! Lately, I’ve has such a surge of hamsters asking to come out to play I had to create a second, play-bin to accommodate their needs!
This year I decided to fill the Bucatstate Cloud Sandbaths with coconut fiber, some dried flowers and seed mix for the hamsters to forage for… and it’s been a hit! I think the hamsters enjoy the cozy, protection of the enclosed cloud, and, bonus for me, the coconut fiber doesn’t get kicked everywhere!
Sweet, little Dexter the hybrid dwarf hamster enjoys digging for some of his favorite treats in the Bucatstate Cloud Sand Bath Size L
A holiday view from above
cozy vibes all the way
Items featured in today’s post:
Christmas Tree Hide from Innodove on Etsy: the tree is currently not available (cry emoji!) but lots of other adorable hides here:
Bucatstate Cloud Sandbath, size L, Clear:
Cheese Hide: Not currently available (and only recommended for dwarf hamsters anyway). But here’s a cute alternative!:
Tafit Pet Water Bottle Stand: and bottle:
Coconut Fiber:
Foraging Mix:
Dried Flowers:
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